Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Xinhua Passes off Porn as News. Again.

Not content with copying and pasting stories from satirical website The Onion, beleaguered hacks at the state run media outfit, Xinhua have apparently taken to copying and pasting rape porn.  Ahem.


If you've been around long enough, you'll remember that that in 2012, Xinhua ran a story that it stole from The Onion which awarded Kim Jong Un the title of World's Sexiest Man.  That particular article was hastily taken down, but this slideshow uses screengrabs from a rape fetish porn movie, is still alive and kicking.

Purporting to be an "actual record" of an execution, the slideshow shows "the world's darkest side", despite being neither, both Xinhua and The Global Times have published the pictures, trying to pass them off as "news".  The worrying thing is, this isn't the first time it's happened.
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