Thursday, August 15, 2013

Despite Censorship, Chinese Social Media Blossoms

Say It Social has an overview of the Chinese social media landscape (and why Facebook should care) noting that without the influence of major players like Twitter and Facebook, the industry has blossomed.  With 564 million users of it's 1.3 billion population already online, the Chinese represent 51% of the Asian audience, spending 3 hours a day online on average.

The impressive stats continue:
This acutely attractive market is home to countless major players including Tencent’s Qzone, Tencent Weibo and Pengyou making up 56% of the country’s active social media users. A platform gaining great international reach, Sina Weibo, hosts 287 million active monthly users and more than 250,000 company pages. This is taking the international scene by storm, such that 25% of Fortune500 companies now possess a Sina Weibo page. In addition to Sina Weibo, more and more U.S. companies, such as Nike and Starbucks, are flocking to WeChat (Weixin in China), an instant messaging platform with video, photo sharing and status capabilities. Its current growth curve is appreciating on average by 25 million new members per month.

Although America may possess the title of being the ‘Golden Shoppers’ of the Internet, Asia is a source of unbelievable potential. China accounted for over $160 billion in online transactions during 2012. On top of that, 67% of China’s social media users interact with brands online averaging 8 each. As a global brand with loyal customers on an international scale, it is imperative to globalize your social footprint to maximize your customer engagement across all borders.

Infographic: International Social Media

Courtesy of: SayItSocial

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