Friday, August 30, 2013

Four Year Old Killed By Bulldozer in Zhe Jiang Land Grab

As the property bubble in China continues to expand, and the poor get ousted as local government officials take land from the poor folk working the land.

China has a lot of land, and most if it is tilled by the poor, who do part time work in the cities as migrant workers and till their paltry allotment of land to make ends meet.  Unfortunately, in modern China, your worth is measured by how much money you have and how wide your waistline.  And how many kids you've trampled over to make your mark.

Graphic images of a three/four year old girl (depending on which source you consult) have surfaced on Weibo that show exactly what the opinion of Chinese officials is when it comes to clearing a path to either promote their own career within the Party, or simple to toe the Party line and keep building buildings no matter what the cost.

The child was killed as a dispute over land took place in Zhang Pu County, Zhejiang.  Hong Xiao Rou's father asked officials "What is more important — human life or land acquisition?", the answer came all too swiftly:  "Land acquisition."

Photos of Xiao Rou's body which was crushed beneath the tracks of a bulldozer posted on Weibo.  When pressed for comment, an official statement read "There’s no demolition. Yes, the girl died. But she was accidentally killed by the bulldozer when they were flattening the [adjacent] land as she sneaked into the building site and played there."





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