Saturday, August 24, 2013

Xu Zhi Yong Formally Arrested

Having spent more than his fair share of time in the clink without actually being formally charged with anything (this is China, though), crusading transparency advocate has been formally charged on suspicion of gathering a crowd to disturb public order. 

In a video that was recorded from his cell, Mr. Xu remained defiant, saying "For freedom, public good and faith, I am willing to sacrifice anything,"  A number of arrests and detentions have been made by the authorities in the lead-up to the trial of politician Bo Xi Lai, a trial that had been intended by the Chinese government to show exactly how transparent and accountable authorities have become in this new "era" of The Chinese Dream. 

Apparently calling for more transparency when you've already got live blogging on Weibo about the details of a trial in which the verdict has already been decided should be quite enough transparency for now.

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