Thursday, August 22, 2013

Clusterfuck to Death Row

Well, that was the day that was.  In what was indisputably the biggest show trial never to grace Chinese history, Bo Xi Lai's defense managed to nitpick its way though every piece of evidence, leading to Bo himself denying ever being his son's father, calling his wife Gu Kai Lai and insane bitch queen red whore from hell who was the brains behind the entire operation.

Well, ok, not quite, but the denials and the double talk that were evidenced in court shows just how ballsy old Bo can be.  Realizing that telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth wasn't going to get him far, he took questioning key witnesses.
“Did you say anything to me privately to indicate that if I helped you with your projects you would reward me?” Mr Bo asked.

“No,” Mr Xu replied.

“Did you say anything to me about your support of Bo Guagua and that you reimbursed his flights, credit card and bought him an electric bike? Did you tell me about Africa? Did you say you would pay for them? Have you ever told me about the [French] property? Have I ever mentioned it to you?”

The answer on each count was “no”, prompting Mr Bo to end with a flourish his lawyer wife might have been proud of.

“Thank you for seeking truth from the facts,” he said.

Mr Bo similarly tore another key witness Tang Xiaolin apart by saying his testimony was “blasphemous” and intended just to get a lighter sentence for himself.

‘‘He is like a mad dog biting all over the place,’’ Mr Bo said. ‘‘The evidence and witnesses that the prosecutors produced are all peripheral, and have little to do with the case and can’t prove I’m guilty.’’

In court, gasps of disbelief where heard as Bo said that that he committed acts that he didn't know that he committed that were illegal and were also against his will, clearly showing that even if he committed acts that were illegal they were done against his will, and that acts that were done against his will that were illegal were wrong in the first place, and he knew that he was doing them against his will.

If there was a jury, it's impossible to grasp how they could believe or understand any of that.  Bo has been defiant, confident that there's little to prove that he's guilty, until, of course, the the judge finds him guilty, which will probably happen.


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