Monday, August 19, 2013

Man Beaten To Death For Refusing Vasectomy

The Epoch Times is reporting that an man in Yunnan has been beaten to death after he refused to comply with birth control regulations.
“Three officials came on July 28, intending to kidnap my father for a forced vasectomy. My father quarrelled with them and was killed in front of our residence. When I got home that day, I found many bruises on his head and legs. The officials fled as soon as they realized my father was dead.”

Officially, the death of the man has been attributed to the accidental ingestion of pesticides, although no explanation has been given for the bruises that member of his family notice on the man's body.
According to the statement, officials found Guo Xingcong crouched down in the yard foaming at the mouth, and he died shortly afterwards. The statement concluded that Guo’s death was caused from ingesting the insecticide dichlorvos.

Unsurprisingly, the statement goes on to say that Guo's family had refused to have the body buried, but was forced through citing concerns over sanitation.


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