Wednesday, August 14, 2013

China's Foreign Film Blackout Begins

Woefully incapable of dealing with competition from abroad like the rest of us have to do, the preferred Chinese way of doing things is to copy something cheaply, block the foreign imports as best you can and pocket the takings.

For every blocked foreign social media site, there's a Chinese one (albeit, a heavily censored and controlled one) and for every movie deal, there's a long blackout over the a major Chinese holiday so that Chinese made films, godawful as they may be, can stand a chance at the box office.
As one industry figure described it, there is a "semi-blackout … a squeeze game to reduce foreign-film box office" in China starting right now, with domestic movies expected to dominate for the next two weeks.

There is some good news, however, for American movie studios - the Chinese finally coughed up the millions that they owe.
"We are pleased to hear that the Chinese government has addressed the matter and all money due will be paid in full. It is our understanding that the payment process has recommenced," said Chris Dodd, head of the MPAA, in a statement confirming the news first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

So, apart from Tiny Times 2 coming out, things are looking up.

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