Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Xinwen Lianbo Aims At Improving Chinese Tourists

Usually covering current events, Xinwen Lianbo is the jewel in the crown of Chinese journalism. Since last Wednesday, however, the show has been running segments that are aimed at improving the image of Chinese tourists.
Part of the problem, if there is one, might be that an unprecedented rise in living standards in China has resulted in a generation of tourists who have never really learned how to "be tourists." International trips by Chinese tourists grew from 10 million in 2000 to 83 million in 2012, according to the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, and Chinese tourists recently overtook Americans to become the biggest spenders in the world.

The move came after a string of embarrassing incidents that caused much anger amongst the nations microbloggers.  Various tour guides might be asking a bit too much of the ordinary Chinese man in the street, as photos emerge of Chinese tourists behaving badly whilst holidaying in...China.

Much of the consternation stems from the Chinese perception of themselves, rather than the (admittedly isolated) incidents, and to help things along, the government has chosen, instead of educating, to pass a law that will come into effect on October 1st.


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