Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Li Tian Yi Trial to Begin

August has been a month of big trials in China, and another one is due to start today, with our favorite spoiled brat Li Tian Yi to face the music over his alleged involvement in a gang rape.

China watchers will be more than familiar with the case, (for the uneducated, here's a good overview what the hell has been going on)  as Li's mother Meng Ge hasn't shut up whining about it since Li was charged in May of this year.  After much petitioning, sobbing and vehement protestations of innocence, Li will have his day in court, but because he is technically a minor, court transcripts will not be published.

Because both Meng Ge, and Tian Yi's father, Li Shuang Jing are famous military singers, and are considered members of China's elite, there have been some shady goings on in the lead up the trial.  Most tellingly, the alledged victim, identified only by her surname, Yang, was hospitalized for treatment for depression days last week, and conveniently won't be able to appear in person at the trial.

While Chinese law doesn't specifically say that she has to appear in court, the amount of shit that's been flung by bonkers old Meng Ge has made her appearance somewhat critical to proceedings.  While Yang maintains that she works as a secretary, and only does part time work at the bar where Li and his high-school cronies picked her up, allegations of prostitution have been raised in a vicious PR offensive.

Some observers have questioned the timing of the trial, so soon after the hospitalization of the victim who brought the charges in the first place, but there's little the prosecution council can do except hope that Ms. Yang will be well enough to endure cross-examination by Li's defense lawyers.  If convicted, Li faces 3-10 year in prison.

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