Thursday, August 15, 2013

Public Execution in Guizhou (Graphic Content)

The Shanghaiist (along with everyone else in the Chinese blogosphere) has posted a video of an apparently public and unceremonious execution of an unknown Chinese man in Guizhou.  Business Insider has more details on what information could be gleaned by the Wall Street Journal:

The uploader says it was filmed in November 2012, and the WSJ's China Real Time blog says that the people in the village appear to speak a dialect found in Guizhou province. The crowd do not seem shocked or upset by what they see.

The Telegraph translated comments left by Chinese Internet users.
"A life is ended - just like that," read one comment. "I strongly appeal for the abolition of the death penalty."

Another said: "Why shouldn't people be able to see what happens to a death row criminal?"

Others focused on the technicalities: "My understanding is that execution by shooting should only be done with a shot to the heart, never the head." Last year about 3,000 prisoners were executed in China, according to the Dui Hua Foundation, a charity with offices in San Francisco and Hong Kong.

You can watch the video below, but please consider yourselves warned that this obviously features graphic content.

[jwplayer mediaid="1220"]


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