Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Someone PLEASE Tell Jiang Xianzhi to STOP TALKING.

The families of seven children who were raped by their school teacher, and subsquently infected with STDs have been awarded a "symbolic amount" of 30,000rmb each.

When the story broke in early August, the deputy mayor in charge of education Jiang Xianzhi caused a storm of outrage online when she said that she wouldn't sue if she found out that her daughter had been sexually abused.  Medical reports of the resulting STD infections where called into question by director of gynaecology at Ruichang People's Hospital.  By happy coincidence, the good director is the cousin of the Jiang, and the good doctors are the hospital did their best to discredit the medical documents produced by the families.

In the meantime, Jiang has been busy at her spreadsheet, carefully calculating what compensation would be appropriate now that the whole messy legal business has been avoided.  Initially demanding that the school take responsibility, the families were awarded 30,000rmb each by the local government.

The pesky child abuse scandal has obviously taken it's toll on poor Jiang, she helpfully mentioned that if her child were the one sexually abused, then she would take the kids somewhere were no-one knows them and have them treated.  Because child abuse victims don't have enough to deal with already.

"If one of those girls was my child, I would take her where no one knows her so she could be treated instead of asking for money from the government," Jiang told the parents.

Truly a woman of the people,  Jiang took her calculations (we're working on getting hold of the presentation that she must've given to explain the more salient points to the parents) and said that the 30,000rmb was fair, because even if the parents loss of pay and the total cost of the girls medical treatment would only come to no more than 50,000rmb.  You can imagine what happened next on Weibo:

“As a woman and as a mother, she should speak from the standpoint of safeguarding the rights and interests of women and children. Yet she said such disgraceful words without any shred of humanity! She really showed us her Communist Party character.”

“As deputy mayor, she does not know anything about the law. It is actually correct to defend our rights through appealing to the government.”

“She does not deserve to be in the position of deputy mayor! How much money can buy a child’s health? And how much money can buy a child’s happiness? You’re such a corrupt official; you think that money is very important, but people’s health is nothing, don’t you?”

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