Sunday, September 1, 2013

HTC VP and Design Chief Held Over Industrial Espionage

Chien Chih-lin, HTC's vice president and chief designer, and Wu Chien-hung, a section chief in the company's design department were detained on Sunday on suspicion of stealing design secrets from HTC. 

The pair have also been implicated in defrauding the Taiwanese cell phone manufacturer to the tune $11 million, by fabricating a receipt for a phone cover design that they actually designed themselves.  They made a fortune helping a third party win a contract to design the cover.  The alleged stolen design specs that were brought into the mainland include the upcoming SENSE User Interface.

Claiming that the designs are their own, and other information is freely available on the Internet, prosecutors conducted raids on Sunday and held the two under suspicion of violating the Trade Secrets Act and of breach of trust under the Securities Exchange Act.

According to reports, the pair have been involved with a number of Chinese cell phone makers based in the mainland and a number of discussions were held with HTC competitors and representatives of Chien's company with a view to cooperating on a number of unspecified projects.

HTC filed the request for the two to be investigated and say that production will be unaffected by the arrests.  New products will be released throughout the year as originally planned.
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