Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pan Shiyi Very Very Nervously Backs Beijing's Big V Crackdown.

The high profile arrests of Charles Xue, Wang Gongquan and Dong Shiru seem to be having the desired effect on promient "Big V" microbloggers in the Chinese blogosphere.

After lobbying the government to release more accurate data about the terrible air quality in the capital, real estate tycoon Pan Shiyi is getting a bit nervous that he might be next.  What better course of action than to publicly back the crackdown?  Going on the PR offense, an TV spot was duely booked.  Interviewed on CCTV about the new rules, whereby a sentence of three years in the clink can be handed down to anyone who posts a rumour that is reposted 5000 times, Pan seemed to suddenly have developed a stutter. 

Not usually camera shy, as this promo video for Johnnie Walker shows, Pan seemed a little unsure of how to answer the reporters questions - the pressure of a firing squad loading their guns off camera possibly contributing.  Mocking messages were posted on the very platform that he spoke out about, but a couple of messages of sympathy were left for him - it's difficult to remain composed if you're being interviewed by a police officer on camera.
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