Thursday, October 3, 2013

Shock News: Chinese Infrastructure Unable to Cope with Chinese People

A wise man one said that anyone dumb enough to want to be in the military should be allowed to. In China, anyone who ventures out from under the bed during the National Week Holiday Golden Period (or whatever it's called now) deserves all they get.

Chinese tourists who were apparently dumb enough to go Jiuzhai Valley National Park expecting to get away with their souls intact this week got more than they bargained for when, er, they couldn't. In shock news, the usually bulletproof Chinese transport infrastructure ( can we sure about that? Ed.) went into complete meltdow.Some 4000 tourists were stranded at the nature reserve and the congestion became so bad that local military commanders had to be drafted in to help.

The last of the tourists didn't leave till 10pm and, typically of the Chinese, they demanded that refunds from the ticket office, instead of blaming the pisspoor local government management.

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