Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Administration of Foreign Experts Asks: Why Aren't You A Chinese Citizen?

Foreigners around the country were asked by the State-Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs to give their answers to a few questions as to why they would or wouldn't apply for permanent residence in China.

Despite the fact that Chinese passports rank fourth from bottom in a survey of 30 countries (just above Iran), the delightful folks at the administration failed to include questions related to "perceived crappiness of holding a Chinese passport", or indeed questions about Internet censorship, media censorship, the poor quality of the air, the dubious quality of almost everything you eat, etc, ad naseum.

Questions that were deemed important enough to warrant a mention included:

1、您是否愿意申请在中国永久居留(Would you like to apply for permanent residence in China)?

2、您是否了解申请在中国永久居留的条件要求(Do you understand the conditions of foreigners to apply for permanent residence in China)?

3、哪些因素会对你申请在中国永久居留产生影响(可多选)(What factors will affect your application for permanent residence in China(could select multiply))?

  • 其他,请补充(others, please specify)

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