Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mainlanders are Locusts Even At Home

When a group of well meaning Hong Kongers took exception to the behaivour of certain mainland Chinese people acting like mainland Chinese people (i.e., doing whatever the hell they liked despite numerous public signs saying "don't do whatever the hell you like") they took out an ad in a newspaper that branded Mainlanders "locusts".

Whoever runs the official Beijing Subway Weibo account got pretty miffed at people leaving sunflower seed husks and endless flyers for real estate agents lying around the carriages, posting a particularly nasty message:
Beijing Subway V: #Civilization hand in hand with you# [Subway civilization discussion]  The Line 10 is scattered about in mess after “locusts” have left. The capital city of Beijing is well praised for its tolerance, but sometimes is also criticized for its over-tolerance. For those that intentionally destroy Capital Beijing with bad behaviors, what we can say is only that You are not welcome!

The ever touchy Chinese netizens descended on the tweet their hundreds, taking exception to the word "locusts".
脱线的胖子:You are disqualified to choose the object of service as a public service provider.

Humpy:Locust, although used in a pair of quotation mark, is still an extreme insult to compatriots. You can not conduct personal attack at the passengers even if they behave badly. We ask Beijing subway authority to apologize to the public and punish those responsible.

张修茂:Beijing Subway is wrong if they refer locusts to strangers and migrants, but uncivilized behaviors should be condemned.

带上柳岩去日本:Is there any trash bin in the carriages?


As the writers of the original report at HugChina pointed out, there'll probably be nothing like the outrage that erupted after Jimmy Kimmel's "kill all the Chinese" skit.
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